Remember to display your 2023 annual parking permit

Photo Michael Fousert / Unsplash

All residents in the 19 Residential Parking Program (RPP) areas need to display their 2023 annual permit on their vehicle when parked curbside. Those who have discarded, damaged, or lost permits, or have recently moved to a residential area, were asked to apply for a new permit at and are still encouraged to do so. Vehicles that have permits with an expiry date in 2023 will not be ticketed.  

On July 3, 2024, administration was directed to pause further changes to the Residential Parking Program and to undertake focused additional public engagement on updating the program and return back with a report in the first quarter of 2026 to the Urban Planning Committee. There will be no changes to the current residential parking programs citywide until the review is complete. Current boundaries can be viewed here.

We understand the Residential Parking Program requires further engagement to best serve Edmontonians. Please stay tuned for those engagement opportunities at   

Rossdale December Update #2

Keith MIsner / Unsplash

Recycling Update for Apartments and Condos

Coming next month, apartments and condos in Rossdale will be receiving containers to sort food scraps, recycling, and garbage.

Here’s what to expect: 

  • New containers will be dropped off at your existing garbage disposal location. Residents will be expected to separate food scraps and recyclables from your garbage and place them in the correct container. 

  • Ahead of the rollout at every building, residents of each unit will receive a food scraps pail, a What Goes Where sorting poster and an educational booklet. A few weeks later, a Waste Outreach Educator will also visit you to answer your questions.

Have any questions about what comes next?

Rossdale December Update

Photo: Joanna Kosinska / Unsplash @joannakosinska

Rossdale Annual Christmas Party

Please join us for some Christmas cheer on Sunday, December 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the Rossdale Community Hall (10135-96 Ave). Beef-on-a-Bun (or a vegetarian option) will be available and there will be a Photo Booth.

EPCOR flood mitigation project

EPCOR is taking action to protect the water supply for Edmonton and more than 90 surrounding communities.

The Edmonton Water Treatment Plants (WTP) Flood Mitigation Project will protect the region's drinking water supply by protecting critical assets, preventing river water from backing up into the plants, and installing flood barriers.

City Council approved the project in September 2023, and construction is anticipated to be complete in 2028. For Rossdale, upcoming work includes:

  1. Installing flood gates into existing plant drainage pipes that discharge to the river. Some work adjacent to 101 Street began in mid-November 2024 and is expected to be completed by December 2025. During construction, this will involve the addition of temporary fencing and laydown matting at the intersection of 94 Ave. & 101 St. all the way to the construction zone for vehicle and equipment access. See map for details.

  2. Ongoing work on the reservoir (east cell) roof upgrades. In July 2024, EPCOR began work to install a new waterproof membrane to help protect the underground drinking water storage reservoir. This work is anticipated to be complete by June 2025, weather permitting, and we thank the Rossdale community for your patience.

    We continue to work with our contractors to ensure we meet health, safety, security and environment rules; as well as City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw requirements. We will also take steps to ensure the street and sidewalk is maintained.

(Click the Learn More button below to view the project map and see further information.)

epcor outfall gates installation project
(100 st & 97 ave)

EPCOR reports that this project is still on schedule to be completed by the end of December. They note that there will still be crews on site periodically until the Spring time to complete the electrical and mechanical work; however there will be no impacts for this work.

(Click the Learn More button below for further project information.)

Rossdale News for October 2024

Rossdale annual christmas party

Mark your calendars for the annual Christmas party at the community hall on Sunday, December 8 – further details will be posted closer to the date.

Casino Volunteers

Casino volunteers are still needed for October 29 and 30th at Grand Villa casino, downtown. The three remaining shifts are from approximately 8:30 pm until 3:15 AM.

This fundraising event is the one occasion where we raise money for projects in the community such as running the community hall and gardens and projects such as art. If you were able to assist kindly email, Natalie Bunting at:

Hall windows

New windows were recently installed at the community hall – thanks to all the volunteers who helped raise money and worked to make this happen!! Upcoming projects include a new hot water heater, and fixing a drainage issue on the flat portion of the roof.

James MacDonald cat mural

The City of Edmonton, in an effort to protect the James MacDonald cat mural has installed pidgeon spikes under the James MacDonald bridge and concrete barriers at the base of the artwork to prevent scooters going onto the slope and leaving black tire marks. Graffiti removal options are also being reviewed.

Epcor - Art and Interpretive Element Review Panel

Epcor is looking for community members to participate in an Art and Interpretive Element Review Panel for the flood mitigation barrier.

Members who meet the Panel Member Criteria, should submit an application before September 25, 2024.

The main goal of the panel is to reflect the diverse histories, perspectives and uses of the Rossdale area, while appealing to and creating connections for as broad an audience as possible.

A description of this collaborative, consensus-seeking process is included in the graphic linked here. The Call for Applicants, linked here (and the button below) includes submission requirements and describes the scope and objectives, panel member criteria and timeline.

Rossdale News for September 2024

Landon Bushnell Concert Sunday September 8 @ 2:00p

Landon Bushell will be joining us in our Community Garden, (garden entrance is on the southside of the parking lot at 10135-96 Ave) on Sunday, September 8th at 2:00pm to play two 45 minute sets for the neighbourhood.

Admission is free to residents and their guests (but no furry guests permitted). Please bring a chair, and this is an alcohol free event.

Casino Volunteers Needed - October 29 and 30th at Grand Villa Casino, 10204 – 104 Ave.

Kindly contact Natalie Bunting at:

skunk update

The family of skunks have been relocated and are now enjoying freedom in our river valley.

found: prescription glasses

A pair of prescription glasses were found in south Rossdale. Contact Mike at if you believe they are yours.

Rossdale August Newsletter - Part 2

SKUNKS - Notice to the community

A Rossdale resident's property has unfortunately become the den for a mother skunk and her eight babies.  The babies are close to being old enough to relocate and starting on August 27th  (when the babies will be old enough), the residents will be blocking the den so the mother and babies will need to move on.

The resident has asked that the community know in advance of this issue so that everyone has a chance to check their properties to ensure you are not mistakenly creating a welcoming environment under decks, stairs, sheds etc. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we try to keep our community as skunk free as possible.

Friendly reminder of the Rossdale AGM tonight!

Friendly reminder of the Rossdale AGM tonight,

The meeting starts at 7:00 pm in person at the hall. For those joining via Zoom, please consider signing in at 6:45 pm to allow time for all participants to be admitted for the 7:00 pm  start.
Click the button to join.

Green Shack Program for the summer

Irene Parlby Park
9545 100 St
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Monday - Friday

July 2 – August 22

Rossdale Community League - Summer 2024 Newsletter

The AGM date is June 18th, 2024 at 7 pm in Rossdale Hall

Councillor Stevenson and a representative from the City Parking Team will attend the AGM to discuss the parking program that has been discontinued in Rossdale. This will be the first item at 7 p.m.

The AGM will be at the hall in person. A Zoom link will be posted on the Rossdale site at We cannot guarantee sound quality via Zoom, but we will do our best.

Several board positions are up for election as follows:
President (1 year) and the following 2 year terms: Vice President, Treasurer, Facility Director and Two Members-at-Large.

Please consider volunteering for one of these positions. Our Executive is an integral part of our community's liaison with the city and the community-at-large. We need engaged, and knowledgeable residents to assist in ensuring Rossdale's interests and concerns are represented.

If you would like to run for one of the above positions, please let Lynn Parish know at email below- or you can be nominated and seconded by someone at the meeting. If you cannot attend the AGM and want to stand for election, please submit an email indicating your interest to lynn.parish@ prior to June 18th and you can stand for election with someone to nominate you.

There are descriptions for these positions in the Rossdale Bylaws. The Bylaws can be seen at under the "Community League" tab. Please note that the hall renting process has now been greatly simplified with limited renters, use of email, online calendars, etransfer of funds and key lockboxes so that the role of Facilities Director has become less time consuming.

Casino Volunteers Needed

October 29 and 30th at Grand Villa Casino, 10204 - 104 Avenue - Casino funds are our biggest revenue source and provide for operation and maintenance of the Community hall and Community garden, as well as outdoor concerts and donations to local charities, etc.

No experience is needed and it's a nice way to meet your neighbours, a meal is provided, taxi chits are available and in addition, a coupon for $75 off a Rossdale hall rental is available to residents (non-transferrable) who can help with the casino.

Below are shifts that we are looking to fill and thanks so much for your support!

If available to help, kindly contact Natalie Bunting at:

Day Shifts
1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
General Manager, Banker, Cashier 1, Cashier 2, Chip Runner 1, Chip Runner 2

Night Shifts
8.30 p.m. to 3.45 a.m.
Ass. General Manager, Banker, Cashier 3, Cashier 4, Chip Runner 3, Chip Runner 4.

11 p.m. to 3.15 a.m.
6 count room positions.

Community Hall Assessment

The Rossdale Community Hall is leased from the City of Edmonton, which has recently completed a building assessment. Based on that report the hall needs, in the immediate and near-term the following done; replace the windows, blinds, parking lot asphalt, flagpole and hot water heater and add a backflow valve. This work is estimated at $75,000.

The casino funds, as well as a City of Edmonton grant of $22,000 recently approved, will be used to fund the necessary maintenance.

Hall Rentals

Due to current lack of volunteer resources for hall management, the Rossdale hall will only be available to rent by long standing major clients and Rossdale community residents. This will better allow the Rossdale Board to focus its volunteer efforts on programming and issues that benefit the community.

Please note the Rossdale resident rate isn't transferrable/available to non-resident friends and family of Rossdale residents. Details on how to rent the community hall and the rates can be found on the Rossdale website

Front Yard in Bloom

The City of Edmonton's Front Yards in Bloom is back for its 25th year. Nominations are now open in six categories, including General, Edible, Natural, Tiny, Balcony and Public Space. Nominations are open till July 1 and anyone can nominate a fellow neighbour.

Go to Beautification Contests: City of Edmonton for the nomination form.

Community Garden

The Rossdale Community Garden is full for another year. If you are interested in a plot for next year, consider filling out a request form at

Rossdale Connect

Rossdale Connect is Rossdale's own messaging app for information relevant to our community. You can receive updates via text or email and updates are sent out once or twice monthly. Information usually includes project updates from the City of Edmonton, community events, and information on what's happening in and around Rossdale.

This is the primary way of getting information to Rossdale residents in a timely matter.

Go to to register your text number/email.

*Information is not shared or sold and is solely used for messaging.

Community League Meetings and Memberships

The Rossdale Executive meets monthly between September and June, usually on the third Tuesday of the month. The meetings are either in person at the hall or by Zoom.

All residents of Rossdale are automatically members of the community league - it is free. If you want a community league card, to get discounts at City of Edmonton sporting facilities, or for kids' soccer, etc. please refer to the link on the Rossdale website

A message from the Riverhawks General Manager, Steve Hogle

We welcome our neighbours in Rossdale back to the ballpark! Come to the Box Office before any Riverhawks game (schedule of games and theme at with photo identification showing your address and you are in as our guest! We trust the kids you have with you belong to you and we'll take care of them, too!!! Box office opens an hour before the game so come early to avoid the lines.

Please note, we have earlier than usual start times on these dates: June 8 (1pm start), June 12 (11am start) and June 15 (1pm start). For the latest information, follow our social media accounts on Instagram, X and Facebook.

Finally, we have secured an additional 410 parking stalls this season so we hope that helps alleviate some of our traffic challenges. We will encourage fans to park only in the lots set up for event parking. We continue to evolve our parking strategy to reduce traffic congestion and limit vehicles going into the neighbourhood; more changes to come!

The military will do a helicopter fly by Friday June 7 in the afternoon between 1 and 3.  That is a rehearsal for the real thing the next night, June 8, around 7pm.

Green Shack

The City of Edmonton is offering The Summer Green Shack program from July 2 to August 22. It is a free drop-in program for children ages 6-12; however, all are welcome to participate. Participants under 6 years of age are required to have a parent or guardian with them.

At the Irene Parlby Park 9545-100 Street,
Schedule to be confirmed but we anticipate it may be from 2:30 - 5:30 pm each day.
Please refer to the City website for details: parks recreation/green-shacks

—- Update June 14, 2023 —-

The City provided the following information subsequent to the original publication of this document.

Summer Concert

Stay tuned and watch for details of possible summer concert in Rossdale....

Happy Summer everyone!

Rossdale News for May 2024

May Community League Meeting

This month’s RCL meeting will be via Zoom this week on May 15 (Wednesday) at 7:00pm. Epcor will be presenting.

Join Zoom Meeting … Join Zoom Meeting


We would like to thank you for writing to Council and City Administration about the parking permit issue. Despite many requests for a meeting we have received no response. We continue to keep asking for information and any that is received will be passed on to residents.


 The green shack will return for the summer. We are just awaiting dates and times. Details will be sent out via Rossdale Connect and the website.


Neighbourhood: Rossdale, and parts of (Downtown and Oliver)
Status: Scheduled
Scheduled for: May 27, 2024 - May 31, 2024

1. Schedule and Parking Bans:

  • Street sweeping parking bans are in effect Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm in scheduled areas.

  • Residents should look for “no parking” signs in their area during street sweeping.

  • To find out when a parking ban is in effect in your area, you can check the Street Clearing Map or sign up for parking ban notifications.

  • If you’re parked on a road that is under a parking ban, you may be subjected to a $250 ticket.

  • The City aims to complete street sweeping within 8 weeks, weather permitting.

2. Street Sweeping Process:

  • Crews first sweep boulevards and hard surface areas adjacent to roads, moving sand and other debris into the path of street sweepers.

  • While the City has measures in place to minimize dust, street sweepers can still create dusty conditions that reduce visibility. Drivers should slow down and drive for conditions.

  • Give street sweeping equipment plenty of space both in front, behind, and on both sides.

  • When crews are scheduled to be in your residential area, please move your vehicles off the street to allow for thorough cleaning.

  • If you have driveway ramps in front of your home, please remove them.


The Community League AGM is planned for June 18th. Further details will be posted shortly.

Termination of Residential Parking Program

On March 20, 2024 with no notice to the community, the City of Edmonton Urban Planning Committee voted to end the residential parking program in Rossdale and some other communities in Edmonton starting May 31, 2024. The community league has written to Council to express serious concerns about this decision. If you would like to express your concern please message the following:

The following letter was written on behalf of the RCL board.

Sent: Wednesday, 20 March, 2024 21:35:21
Subject: Residential parking program

To members of the Urban Planning Committee and Mayor Sohi,

Please note I have also copied the City department for residential parking and Steve Hogle, the Manager of the Riverhawks baseball club at Remax Field.

I am currently the Acting President of Rossdale Community League. The Board voted on March 20, 2024 that I should bring to your attention our urgent concerns about the ending of the residential parking program in Rosssdale. I would like to make the following points:

    •    Despite having a residential parking program for many years, the community was not given notice or any information that plans were underway to end the program. Our own Councillor is chair of this committee- yet we knew nothing. 

    •    Rossdale is home to ReMax field. Currently we have parking restrictions during major stadium events  and every day before 10 a,m. In the morning. 

    •    Rossdale is a small community of a few blocks with extremely narrow streets and small street frontage for most properties.

    •    Prior to the parking program being in effect in Rossdale- on ball game days we would experience endless cars and trucks circling the neighbourhood looking to park for free as opposed to paying for parking in the ReMax field lots. Even when all the spaces were taken in the neighbourhood cars would continue to circle and look for space. Cars would line the streets. Litter would line the streets after games and on late game nights crowds would return to their cars very noisily. The parking brings with it anti social behaviour. 

    •    It does not matter whether 500 people or 5000 people attend the ball game- they will still be circling the streets looking for free parking.

    •    On special game days such as July 1 - the effect on Rossdale is unbearable even with the parking program. Without the parking program it will be wild and dangerous. I would add the Folk Festival as another example of a time when people will park for free rather than pay or use transit. 

    •    Every year the Riverhawks rent out ReMax Field for other events which are different each year. Who knows if 500 or 5000 people will attend these different events - yet we will have no parking program to prevent people parking in our neighbourhood. Basing the decision on a stated number for attendance is meaningless when events vary so much.

    •    Opening up the parking on Rossdale streets will immediately affect the revenue of the Riverhawks in their paid parking lots. I cannot say this enough times- people will walk further from their car if it’s free parking. 

    •    In addition, due to proximity to downtown we would experience people parking all day in Rossdale rather than pay for parking downtown. Hence the restriction before 10 a.m. 

I understand that this ending of the permit program is based upon a curbside management strategy which aims to ensure the street belongs to everyone and that no-one has “ownership” of the street outside their house. I understand it is felt a balance is achieved of managing shared assets for everyone’s use and benefit by allowing anyone to park anywhere.

My letter to you is not about saving spots outside mine and my neighbours houses for our own use. In Rossdale it is already quite common not to be able to park outside your own house just from neighbour activity. This is about the location of Rossdale, the fact that people will be circling our neighbourhood in endless trains of cars to find free parking spaces no matter how many people are at the ball game or other events and, during the day we will be overrun with downtown parkers. In addition, the unrestricted parking in Rossdale brings with it anti social behaviour. 

I am afraid I see no balance there for the residents of Rossdale. The balance is firmly tipped towards those who want to escape paying for parking either downtown or at the ball park. This is what you are enabling with this policy. 

The community would appreciate a response to these serious concerns. 

Lynn Parish
Rossdale Community League

Rossdale News for March 2024

Rossdale Community League Meeting

The March RCL meeting will be held tomorrow evening March 20th at 7:00 via zoom. Here’s the link to join:

Garden Registration for 2024

Garden registration is open for 2024. Please click the link below for the on-line registration form and pertinent information. Plots are available for new gardeners and for those requesting a second plot.

Scona road bridge &
98 AVENUE BRIDGE closures

Two bridges in central Edmonton will be rehabilitated:

  • Scona Road over Connors Road 

  • 98 Avenue eastbound over Connors Road

Construction will start in spring with anticipated completion by the end of 2024.

Partial closures will occur throughout construction with a limited number of full road closures and detours required to accommodate safe and efficient working conditions. Work will be planned around special events in the area to ensure access is maintained.

An online information session will be held Wednesday March 27, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

a friendly reminder to lock up

With the warmer temperatures there has been an uptick in garage B and E’s and back alley loitering. Keep things locked up and register your bike serial numbers with the bike index. Go to and register your bike in about two minutes.

Rossdale Update - January 2024

Happy New Year!

Next Community League Board Meeting

The next Rossdale Community League meeting will be held on Wednesday January 17th via Zoom at 7:00 pm.  First on the agenda is an update from Steve Hogle from the Riverhawks baseball.

The link for joining is below,

Lost Dog

An older dog, blind and mostly deaf was found between 101 A Street and 102 Street just north of 97 Avenue on Wednesday January 10th. The animal was housed short term and animal rescue has picked him up. If you believe this dog is yours, please check with Animal Rescue.

Rossdale Road Update - Dec 15

Photo: Stephanie Swensrude

The latest Rossdale News blast republished an article from the River Valley Conservation Society regarding changes to Rossdale Road. That got us to wondering whether the current project is on schedule or not and when the road may reopen. We contacted the City and posed that question to project manager, David Scheelar. He had good news!

The streetlights are the only remaining section of Rossdale road left to install (besides landscaping). There are two remaining pole bases left to be installed. These bases have to be poured in place and take a bit longer to install but are scheduled to be in by next week.

 All of the remaining streetlight work is scheduled to be completed by the end of next week. There was a redesign recently required for the streetlight locations due to utility conflicts and that caused delays.

 Once the remaining streetlights are installed and functioning, the road will be opened. This is scheduled for the next week or two.

 Our fingers are crossed that Rossdale Road reopens by Christmas!

Rossdale News for December 2023

Merry Christmas - Wishing You and Yours a Healthy and Happy New Year


Yoga at the hall

We are excited to offer Yoga in Rossdale again this winter at the Little Flower School House.  We have two instructors, Patty and Vera who will be sharing the teaching and both come with loads of experience. Classes will start on January 8 and go to March 25,  with no classes on February 19th. We will be offering both a strength class and a relaxation class, the description is below. There are a total of 11 classes this session and we are offering the full 11 for $165.00 or 6 sessions for $90. 00.  Class size will be limited to 12 people and registration is only for Rossdale residents.  If there is still room in the class by January 4th, we will open the class to nonresidents.

Yoga for Strength 6:00pm-7:15pm

These slow moving, challenging classes are perfect if you are looking to build stamina and strength along with increased mobility. While this is not a typical flow class, it does include some flow-like sequences that are easily modified for individual needs.  

Yoga for Relaxation 7:30pm-8:45pm

These all-level classes are a great way to venture into a new yoga practice and/or compliment your existing exercise regime. Each class combines a variety of functional mobility exercises with breath work, relaxation techniques, and feel-good stretching.


The equipment needed for both classes will be blocks, straps, a yoga mat and a blanket. 

Please email Jane Squire Howden at if you are interested.


Sand at the hall

There is a supply of sidewalk sand at the Rossdale hall - south end in a wooden bin. Please bring a scoop and container. The City enveadours to keep these bins full over the winter months, if you find the bin running low please call 311 for a top up as the bin is not monitored.


Stay mindful

As many communities throughout the city have seen an increase in property theft, ensure your vehicles and doors are locked.


Photo: Stephanie Swensrude

Changes to Rossdale Road

(reprinted with permission from the River Valley Conservation Society)


Work has begun to undo Edmonton’s incomplete 1970s downtown freeway project, with asphalt removed in Rossdale. “The changes on the Rossdale Road rehabilitation are necessary to eliminate some of the confusion where the triangle portion of 103 Street, Bellamy Hill, Rossdale Road, and 97 Avenue connect,” said Satya Gadidasu, the City of Edmonton project manager in charge of the redesign.


The former vehicle lanes have been stripped of asphalt and returned to dirt, and trees will eventually be planted. While Rossdale Road is one current option for commuting into downtown, the plan sees the road turned into a two-way, “park-like” street. An existing sidewalk will be widened to become a multi-use path for cyclists and pedestrians.


Many decades ago, the city commissioned the Metropolitan Edmonton Transportation Study (METS), which imagined a freeway loop encircling the downtown core, similar to what today exists in many American cities. Construction of the freeway loop started with the James MacDonald Bridge and the roads on either side.


The changes are the first steps in the Rossdale Transportation Network Plan. In the concept plan, 105 Street will be narrowed from four lanes to three along most of the road between the Walterdale Bridge and 97 Avenue. The plan includes adding a bike lane and widening sidewalks along the street.

Rossdale News for November 2023

Image: @anniesprat / Unsplash

We’re Having a Holiday Party!!!

Let’s Eat, Drink and be Merry!

Open to all Rossdale Residents - come and enjoy Beef-on-a bun (or Jerked Jackfruit-on-a-bun) and a drink with your fellow neighbours!

The party will be held at the Rossdale Community Hall, with an outdoor firepit to warm fingers and toes.  Details:

Sunday, December 10
5:00 – 7:00 pm 
Dress is casual
(sparkly tops and ugly Christmas sweaters most welcome).

Please RSVP before December 3 by email to and please include the following information to ensure we have sufficient food & drink:

  • # of adults and # of children

  • Vegetarian preference (otherwise assumed to enjoy beef-on-a-bun). 
    Please note that we will not be able offer vegan choices.

  • Food allergies that we will try to accommodate.

Upcoming Yoga Classes

Yoga will be offered at the Rossdale Community HalL,
10135-96 Avenue.

Winter session - Jan 8-March 25, with Feb 19 being a holiday.  That makes 11 classes for $165.

Spring session - likely: April 8 - June 17 with May 20th a holiday.  April 1 is Easter.  This would be 10 classes for $150.

For winter session we will offer a half class of 6 for $90 and for spring it would be 5 sessions for $75.   Future signup details will be available on the website or via Rossdale Connect if you are signed up to review online community messages.

 (See the link below to SIGN UP for Rossdale Connect)

Rossdale News for October 2023

Photo: Erwan Hesry / Unsplash

Save the Date

For the first time since pre covid, the Rossdale Community Christmas Party will be held on December 10th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. A catered meal and drinks will be provided. More details on activities for the event to follow. Children welcome!

November RCL meeting

The next RCL meeting will be held via Zoom on  November 8th at 7:00pm. A meeting link will be posted on the website for those wanting to join in. Avril McCalla, Project Lead for the River Crossing project will be providing an update.

Neighbourhood Renewal Update

The Rossdale Neighbourhood Renewal process has started which is why we are seeing painted white arrows on the roadways. Stakeholder engagement will follow with residents having an opportunity to voice opinions. Construction is anticipated to begin Spring 2026. Updates will be sent via Rossdale Connect as we learn more about the work and impact on the community.

Camp Pekiwewin feedback sought by the City

The City of Edmonton is defending a legal action to prevent them from dismantling any homeless encampments at any time. The City has concerns, including that the request would prevent them from intervening in situations of criminal activity and public safety.

The Rossdale community league board has resolved to provide evidence for the City based on experience with Camp Pekiwewin. If any individual would like to provide their own evidence the City Solicitor can be contacted at Ideally anyone should contact Michael before October 30, 2023.