Rossdale December Update

Photo: Joanna Kosinska / Unsplash @joannakosinska

Rossdale Annual Christmas Party

Please join us for some Christmas cheer on Sunday, December 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the Rossdale Community Hall (10135-96 Ave). Beef-on-a-Bun (or a vegetarian option) will be available and there will be a Photo Booth.

EPCOR flood mitigation project

EPCOR is taking action to protect the water supply for Edmonton and more than 90 surrounding communities.

The Edmonton Water Treatment Plants (WTP) Flood Mitigation Project will protect the region's drinking water supply by protecting critical assets, preventing river water from backing up into the plants, and installing flood barriers.

City Council approved the project in September 2023, and construction is anticipated to be complete in 2028. For Rossdale, upcoming work includes:

  1. Installing flood gates into existing plant drainage pipes that discharge to the river. Some work adjacent to 101 Street began in mid-November 2024 and is expected to be completed by December 2025. During construction, this will involve the addition of temporary fencing and laydown matting at the intersection of 94 Ave. & 101 St. all the way to the construction zone for vehicle and equipment access. See map for details.

  2. Ongoing work on the reservoir (east cell) roof upgrades. In July 2024, EPCOR began work to install a new waterproof membrane to help protect the underground drinking water storage reservoir. This work is anticipated to be complete by June 2025, weather permitting, and we thank the Rossdale community for your patience.

    We continue to work with our contractors to ensure we meet health, safety, security and environment rules; as well as City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw requirements. We will also take steps to ensure the street and sidewalk is maintained.

(Click the Learn More button below to view the project map and see further information.)

epcor outfall gates installation project
(100 st & 97 ave)

EPCOR reports that this project is still on schedule to be completed by the end of December. They note that there will still be crews on site periodically until the Spring time to complete the electrical and mechanical work; however there will be no impacts for this work.

(Click the Learn More button below for further project information.)
