Remember to display your 2023 annual parking permit

Photo Michael Fousert / Unsplash

All residents in the 19 Residential Parking Program (RPP) areas need to display their 2023 annual permit on their vehicle when parked curbside. Those who have discarded, damaged, or lost permits, or have recently moved to a residential area, were asked to apply for a new permit at and are still encouraged to do so. Vehicles that have permits with an expiry date in 2023 will not be ticketed.  

On July 3, 2024, administration was directed to pause further changes to the Residential Parking Program and to undertake focused additional public engagement on updating the program and return back with a report in the first quarter of 2026 to the Urban Planning Committee. There will be no changes to the current residential parking programs citywide until the review is complete. Current boundaries can be viewed here.

We understand the Residential Parking Program requires further engagement to best serve Edmontonians. Please stay tuned for those engagement opportunities at