The City of Edmonton is conducting a complete review of Edmonton’s Zoning Bylaw. As Community Leagues, we are major stakeholders in this work that will guide development in our neighbourhood for years to come!
For the first time in almost two decades, the Zoning Bylaw Renewal will review all the rules that regulate development in Edmonton – meaning that the type of development you see next door to you could be changing. This work is intended to be a comprehensive overhaul that involves rethinking how, what, and why the City regulates, and to ensure alignment with the City Plan and other City policies and initiatives.
What follows is the first installment of the Zoning Bylaw team’s newsletter which outlines a variety of engagement opportunities happening in the month of June. We strongly encourage you to either attend a drop-in session or register for the deep-dive workshop happening on Saturday, June 15th at the Chateau Louis from 10am-2pm.
We want to ensure someone from our community is able to attend to have our League’s voice heard, so share this email widely and register for updates by following the link below.